Decades has provided court-appointed guardianship and conservatorship services for more than 12 years. Our company has handled some of the most complex and often contentious family situations in the state of New Mexico. Our philosophy when working with challenging family situations is to ensure that the best interest of the elder is served. Our comprehensive approach to senior care services recognizes the importance of helping our clients maintain their integrity and personhood while ensuring their health and safety are maintained.
In addition to these services, the Decades team is knowledgeable in several court-related roles including:
For Attorneys
Decades is appointed by the court to conduct an independent investigation and provide a written report that includes a recommendation regarding guardianship or conservatorship.
Decades maintains long-standing partnerships with attorneys, and can serve as expert witnesses in the area of geriatric care. Founder and CEO Nancy Oriola is qualified by the 2nd Judicial District Court of New Mexico to provide expert witness service in the area of elder care.
In some cases, the court may appoint Decades as a personal representative in probate matters in people’s personal estates.